


05 Jan 2020


To map a cellphone tower that mimics a tree, cactus, or another natural or man-made object in OpenStreetMap use, for example:

  • man_made=mast
  • tower:type=communication
  • mimics=palm

A list of known values may be found at Key:mimics and can be expanded as new cases arise.

Traveled deliciously in 2019. Nearly a year ago,...

OpenStreetMap fauxliage mimics tagging built environment camouflage mapping

TRCTR-PLLR: Faking It for Cartographers

TRCTR-PLLR: Faking It for Cartographers

27 Mar 2019

Fake. Like, Literally, Fake.

Fake has joined the unfortunate set of words whose definitions have become muddled beyond recognition. See literally, like, and really. Literally’s used in contexts where it means its opposite. Like became a rhythmic device, a percussive pause to postpone, briefly, revelation of the speaker’s lack of focus; a punctuation mark requiring four characters, not one.

Once meaning “not...

Flask geo Lifter Puller maps and mapping PostGIS PostgreSQL Python sampling United States Census Bureau visualization

Hello Tegola, or, Let's Talk about Your Vector Tile Geostack

Hello Tegola, or, Let's Talk about Your Vector Tile Geostack

12 Nov 2017

A Nod to Passion

A few weeks back I BARTed, with bicycle, under San Francisco Bay to retrieve a Getaround-enrolled van in Emeryville. I’d agreed to move the belongings of an expatriate performance artist from under tarps in the backyard of an Oakland home – the bungalow was to be de-verminized – to an indoor storage facility. I’d forgotten that Sten was a...

geo geostack Imposm3 Mapzen metro extract OpenStreetMap passion Tegola vector tiles

Megabytes at Kilofeet: The Telluride Ideas Festival and InfoZone

Megabytes at Kilofeet: The Telluride Ideas Festival and InfoZone

26 Nov 2016

I knew something was up when, in September 2014, some old friends contacted me about a period of time long past. Turned out they were both drafting contributions to a volume entitled Social Media Archeology and Poetics, edited by Judy Malloy, another old friend. The MIT Press brought it out in August 2016 and, being under the impression I get namechecked in...

Community Networking The WELL

Mapzen's OpenStreetMap Metro Extracts

Mapzen's OpenStreetMap Metro Extracts

30 Aug 2014

Knowing how to get started with your own copy of OpenStreetMap data has always been a bit of a challenge. Will Skora’s tweet of a few days ago indicates it’s still an issue. Eagerly downloading an entire planet file usually leads, literally, to a world of hurt for first timers. Selectively downloading an area of interest can be a good approach,...

geo Mapzen metro extract OpenStreetMap