About Sinclairyola

The name Sinclairyola is a combination of Sinclair & Crayola, two companies whose color names found their way into the set of CSS named colors. Julianne Tveten's “Tomato” versus “#FF6347”—the tragicomic history of CSS color names is a thorough yet compact recounting of that awkward and unfortunate journey.

I've been working on a project where, conceptually, using named colors is the right thing to do. I've often found the names opaque and baffling, frustrating and counterintuitive, so I created this little scratchpad as a way to visualize the named colors in a spinnable, zoomable color cube and to find the nearest named color to any arbitrary color.

I'm grateful to vis.js' Graph3d and Gregor Aisch's Chroma.js projects for making Sinclairyola simple and straightforward to assemble. Its code is available on GitHub with a few outstanding issues and directions.

Eric Theise

Color scratchpad

Nearest three
